
Rev. IOANN KOVAL, Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow)
Cleric of the Andrew the First-Called church in Lyublino, Moscow. He prayed for peace replacing the word ‘victory’ with the word ‘peace’ in the For Holy Rus prayer: Instead of «Arise, O God, to help Thy people, and give us victory by Thy power» he was saying: «Arise, O God, to help Thy people, and give us […]

Rev. ALEKSANDER DĄBROWSKI, Russian Orthodox Church (Bryansk oblast, Russia)
Earlier: rector of St Nicholas Church in the village of Muzhinovo (Kletnyansky district, Bryansk oblast), cleric of the diocese of Klintsy and Trubchevsk of the Bryansk Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate); at the moment: belongs to clergy of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. The priest comes from Odessa, and his whole family […]

Pastor ALEKSANDR LEGOSTAEV, Evangelical Christian-Baptist (Orel, Russia)
Pastor at the Evangelical Christians-Baptists Church in the city of Orel, father of many children. After the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, he posted an anti-war video message My Opinion !!! (not available at the moment) on the VK social network. An administrative prosecution was initiated against him under part 1 of […]

Rev. DZIYANISI KARASTSIALOU, Orthodox Church (Minsk)
A priest of the Ikon of the Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow parish of the Minsk Eparchy of the Belarusian Orthodox Church in Minsk. On 1 January 2023, after the liturgy, Rev. Dziyanisi Karastsialou was offering a prayer; one of the requests submitted for prayer was «for the soldiers and defenders of Ukraine» which […]

Persecution of Christians by Religious and State Authorities for Anti-war Stance or Support of Ukraine in Defence from Aggression
This list is prepared by Belarusian Christian Ecumenical group «Christian Vision» in cooperation with «Christian Against War» and «Christmas Declaration». It is constantly being updated. Last update: 02 March 2025. If you know another cases not yet mentioned, please, submit them to us via telegram bot: @christianvisionBot or via email: shaltnotkill@gmail.com. Belarus Baptists 1. Laryn […]

Archpriest PETR PRAKAPTSOU (agro-town Prybytki, Homiel region)
The priest of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary parish in the agro-town of Prybytka (Homiel district, Homiel region) located 5 km from the airfield in Ziabraŭka used by Russian troops for air strikes on Ukraine. Rev. Piotr Prakaptsou was repeatedly approached by the Russian military stationed near the airfield in Ziabraŭka with a […]

MARIA KASSIANENKO, Catholic Church (St. Petersburg, Russia)
On 21 September 2022, the day of the announcement of mobilization in Russia, Maria Kasyanenko took part in an anti-war protest. She urged believers who cannot come to the protest to support its participants with prayer. For participation in the protest, Kasyanenko was arrested for 10 days.

GALINA BORISOVA, Catholic Church (Moscow, Russia)
Before the Mass, on 3 July 2022, retired actress Galina Borisova, a parishioner of the Moscow Roman Catholic church of St Louis, attached an anti-war leaflet to the Russian flag hanging in the altar. It contained «No bellum» (No war) written in Latin and «The flag of the aggressor country has no place next to […]

NINA BELYAEVA, Baptist (Voronezh, Russia)
The believer and councillor of the Semiluki District Council of the Voronezh Region condemned the Russian aggression against Ukraine on her social media. On 22 March, an argument broke out at a meeting of the district council: the councillors started discussing Belyaeva’s position; she published this debate on her Telegram channel. In her speech, she […]

SERGEY STEPANOV, Baptist (Tambov)
Sergei Stepanov, a journalist and Christian missionary, made the following post on his VK page: “Dear compatriots: our army is conducting full-scale military operations in another country, it is dropping bombs and rockets on the cities of our neighbouring Ukraine. We call on the authorities of our country to stop this senseless bloodshed.” After the […]