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Very Rev. ANDREY KORDOCHKIN, Russian Orthodox Church (Madrid, Spain)

Наталля Василевич

Наталля Василевич

Теологиня, политологиня, юристка, докторантка Рейнского университета им. Фридриха Вильгельма (Бонн, Германия), модераторка группы «Христианская визия».

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Very Rev. Andrey Kordochkin

Very Rev. Andrey Kordochkin — Doctor of Theology, Secretary of the Eparchy of Madrid, Rector of the St Mary Magdalene parish in Madrid — signed an open appeal of the priests of the Russian Orthodox Church against the war; his signature under the appeal was among the first. He gave an extensive interview to DW, in which he explained the reasons for signing the appeal and shared his critical opinion about the ongoing events related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In a sermon on Maundy Thursday, he compared Russia’s declared love for Ukraine to the kiss of Judas. On 17 July, Metropolitan Leonid of Klin posted threats on his Telegram channel addressed to Kordochkin: “At this stage, Russia is fighting for its right to live and build the future. Those who do not agree with the construction model may remain outside its borders — it’s a free time, no one is holding anyone. However, we won’t let you screw up either«.

On 26 August 2022, Very Rev. Andrey Kordochkin was dismissed from the Secretary of the Spanish-Portuguese Eparchy post. Following the dismissal, he gave an interview to Novaya Gazeta. For this interview, a Moscow court found Novaya Gazeta guilty of discrediting the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

On 4 February 2023, it became known that Kordochkin was dismissed from the priesthood for three months. The corresponding decree was signed by Metropolitan Nestor of Korsun and Western Europe.


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