Rev. ANDRZEJ BULCZAK, Roman Catholic Church (Pastavy)
The rector of the Merciful Jesus parish in Pastavy (Viciebsk region). He was supposed to be tried on 25 March 2022 for the video about the opposition to war among Belarusian. Rev Bulczak is a Polish citizen; he lived in Belarus for 14 years. Because of the threat of persecution, he was forced to flee […]
Rev. ALIAKSANDR BARAN, Roman Catholic Church (Lyntupy)
The rector of the parish in Lyntupy (Viciebsk region). He was detained on 25 March 2022 under art. 24.23 (unauthorized picketing) of the Code of Administrative Offences for the white-red-white Belarusian and the Ukrainian flags on his social media avatar and art. 19.11 (dissemination of extremist materials). Spent 6 days in a temporary detention centre. […]
ALEH NAHORNY, Orthodox Church (Minsk)
Aleh Nahorny, an Orthodox faithful, publicist, a well-known researcher of sects in Belarus, author of the blog Sectologist On-duty, and editor of the site about sects, sekty.by. Nagorny studied at the Minsk Theological Seminary in Žyrovičy. He was a lecturer at many events and created — with the support of the Orthodox Church — the Center for […]
On 3 March 2022, Orthodox mothers of soldiers planned to pray together at the evening service in the Holy Spirit Cathedral in Minsk. On the same day, the event was announced on the anti-war Telegram channel, Mothers’ Union. Law enforcement agencies attempted to disrupt the event. 20 minutes before the 6 pm. evening service, Yeuhien Batura and Dziyana Seradzjuk— journalists […]
Rev. ULADZISLAU BAHAMOLNIKAU, Orthodox Church (Minsk)
A clergyman of the Epiphany parish of the Belarusian Orthodox Church in Minsk, a member of the Minsk Eparchial Court, and a philosophy lecturer at the Minsk Theological Academy. On 31 August, he was brutally detained. During the detention, officers of GUBOPiK — the Main Directorate for Combating Organised Crime and Corruption of the Ministry […]
Rev. ANDREI NAZDRYN, Orthodox Church (Hrodna)
Clergyman of Hrodna diocese, rector of parish of Transfiguration in village Komatava (Hrodna district). It is known that following Volha Bondarava’s denunciation in connection with Rev. Nazdryn’s views on the war in Ukraine, the police conducted “a prophylactic conversation about compliance with the law and prevention of extremist offences and crimes” with him. On 18 May, the […]
Rev. MIKHAIL MARUGO, Orthodox Church (Minsk)
Clergyman of St. Vladimir Khiraska parish in Minsk. On 28 February 2022, he was detained during an anti-war rally in the vicinity of the Minsk railway station. He was holding a bouquet of flowers. On 2 March, he was punished with 13-day administrative arrest which he served in the temporary detention centre in Žodzino.
Верующая МАРИЯ КАСЬЯНЕНКО (Санкт-Петербург, Россия)
Мария Касьяненко 21 сентября, в день объявления мобилизации в России, участвовала в антивоенной акции протеста. Она призвала верующих, которые не могут выйти на акцию, поддерживать протестующих молитвой. За участие в акции она получила 10 суток административного ареста.
Верующая ГАЛИНА БОРИСОВА (Москва, Россия)
Актриса Галина Борисова, прихожанка Московского храма св. Людовика, 3 июля 2022 года пришла на богослужение. Перед мессой она прикрепила к флагу России, который висел в алтарной части римско-католического Храма Святого Людовика, антивоенную записку. На ней латинскими буквами было написано «No bellum» («Нет войне»), а также «Флагу страны-агрессора нет места рядом с флагом Святого Престола». По словам Борисовой, листок провисел минут […]
Верующая НИНА БЕЛЯЕВА, баптистка (Воронеж, Россия)
Верующая и муниципальный депутат Семилукского районного совета Воронежской области в своих соцсетях выступала с осуждением российской агрессии против Украины. 22 марта на заседании райсовета произошел скандал, депутаты стали обсуждать позицию Беляевой, она опубликовала это обсуждение в своем Telegram-канале. В своем выступлении она отметила, что «убийства людей на территории другого государства, которое ничего не имеет с целью обороны […]