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Rev. SERGEY TITKOV, Russian Orthodox Church (Ryazan, Russia)

Наталля Василевич

Наталля Василевич

Теологиня, политологиня, юристка, докторантка Рейнского университета им. Фридриха Вильгельма (Бонн, Германия), модераторка группы «Христианская визия».

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Rev. Sergey Titkov

At the end of March 2022, Rev. Sergey Titkov, rector of the Protection of the Holy Veil parish in Ryazan, requested to be relieved of his post for health reasons after repeated warnings from the Ryazan diocese.

Its representatives demanded explanations why Titkov regularly reposted from the Akhilla website, which “publicises hatred for the Russian Orthodox Church” and criticizes the war. The priest was also condemned for refusing to read the Prayer for the Restoration of the Peace in his church. On 30 March, the eparchy published a decree dismissing Rev. Titkov from ministry.


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