Патриарх Кирилл поблагодарил фальсификатора истории за противостояние «злонамеренной фальсификации истории»
Патриарх Кирилл направил помощнику президента РФ, председателю Российского военно-исторического общества Владимиру Мединскому поздравление по случаю десятилетия учреждения РВИО. «Отрадно, что возглавляемая Вами организация продолжает лучшие традиции Императорского русского военно-исторического общества, занимаясь исследованием ратных подвигов прошлого и знакомя современников с событиями минувших столетий, заботясь о сохранении объектов культурного наследия и воспитании сограждан в духе любви к […]
«А русскому Правительству всё кажется мало». Еще одно высказывание святителя Николая Японского обсуждают в православном рунете
Высказывание православного миссионера вновь вписывается в текущие события: А русскому Правительству всё кажется мало, и ширит оно свои владения всё больше и больше; да ещё какими способами! Манчжуриею завладеть, отнять её у Китая, разве доброе дело? …“Зачем вам Корея?” — вопросил я когда-то адмирала Дубасова. “По естественному праву она должна быть наша, — ответил он, […]
MARIA KASSIANENKO, Catholic Church (St. Petersburg, Russia)
On 21 September 2022, the day of the announcement of mobilization in Russia, Maria Kasyanenko took part in an anti-war protest. She urged believers who cannot come to the protest to support its participants with prayer. For participation in the protest, Kasyanenko was arrested for 10 days.
GALINA BORISOVA, Catholic Church (Moscow, Russia)
Before the Mass, on 3 July 2022, retired actress Galina Borisova, a parishioner of the Moscow Roman Catholic church of St Louis, attached an anti-war leaflet to the Russian flag hanging in the altar. It contained «No bellum» (No war) written in Latin and «The flag of the aggressor country has no place next to […]
NINA BELYAEVA, Baptist (Voronezh, Russia)
The believer and councillor of the Semiluki District Council of the Voronezh Region condemned the Russian aggression against Ukraine on her social media. On 22 March, an argument broke out at a meeting of the district council: the councillors started discussing Belyaeva’s position; she published this debate on her Telegram channel. In her speech, she […]
SERGEY STEPANOV, Baptist (Tambov)
Sergei Stepanov, a journalist and Christian missionary, made the following post on his VK page: “Dear compatriots: our army is conducting full-scale military operations in another country, it is dropping bombs and rockets on the cities of our neighbouring Ukraine. We call on the authorities of our country to stop this senseless bloodshed.” After the […]
Monk HILARION (SHATKOVSKY), ROCOR(A) (village Khokhlovo, Belgorod oblast, Russia)
Monk Hilarion (in the world — Nikolai Shatkovsky), 58 years old, lives in the village of Khokhlovo (Belgorod oblast). He published anti-war statements on social media. In a video, he said that he did not believe the propaganda that calls the West evil. From 15 October 2022, contact with him was lost and he did not […]
Hieromonk NIKANDR (PINCHUK), ROCOR(A) (Verkhoturye, Sverdlovsk Oblast)
On 30 March, the rector of the St Simeon of Verkhoturye parish published a post on the VK social network, which the linguistic assessment deemed to be violating the law on discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In this post, Hieromonk Nikandr characterised the actions of the Russian army as annexationist, which contradicted […]
Hieromonk IOANN (KURMOYAROV), ROCOR(A) (St Petersburg)
Hieromonk Ioann Kurmoyarov was defrocked in the Russian Orthodox Church in 2021 for criticizing the militaristic design of the flagman church of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the appearance of which, according to Kurmoyarov, offends the feelings of believers. In March 2022, he posted on social media a video Who Will Be in Hell And […]