Rev. ANDREI VASHCHUK SDS, Roman Catholic Church (Viciebsk)
The rector of the Holy Spirit parish in Viciebsk. He was detained on 15 July under part 1 of art. 24.23 (violation of the procedure for organizing or holding mass events) of the Code of Administrative Offences. He was kept in the Pieršamajski District Department of Internal Affairs in Viciebsk until the trial. The case […]
Rev. YAUHEN UCHKURONIS, Roman Catholic Church (Smargoń)
The rector of the St John Paul II parish in Smargoń (Hrodna region). He was accused of distributing ‘extremist materials’ for reposting on Facebook publications of Belarusian independent media regarded by the regime authorities as ‘extremist’. On 8 July the priest was fined 20 basic units.
Rev. IGOR LACHOUK, Roman Catholic Church (Stoŭbcy)
The rector of the St Kazimir parish in Stoŭbcy (Baranavičy region). On 4 March 2022 he led a pilgrimage along the border with Ukraine with a statue of the Archangel Michael. During the event «exorcisms to expel the demon of war from the Kremlin were read”. On 20 April, the priest received a summons for […]
Rev. ANDREI KEULICH, Roman Catholic Church (Horki)
The dean of the Mahilioŭ deanery and rector of the Mother of God of Bialyničy parish in Horki (Mahiloŭ region). He was detained after Mass in the church on 18 April 2022. In the Horki District Department of Internal Affairs, a protocol was drawn up against him under part 2 of art. 19.11 of the […]
ALIAKSANDR DANILEVICH, Roman Catholic Church (Minsk)
Aliaksandr Stanislavavich Danilevich, a parishioner of St Simeon and St Elena parish in Minsk (Red Church), lawyer, and father of many children. He was detained on 20 May 2022 as part of a criminal case. He was kept in the KGB pre-trial detention centre. He was charged under part 3 of art. 361 (Calls for […]
Rev. ANDRZEJ BULCZAK, Roman Catholic Church (Pastavy)
The rector of the Merciful Jesus parish in Pastavy (Viciebsk region). He was supposed to be tried on 25 March 2022 for the video about the opposition to war among Belarusian. Rev Bulczak is a Polish citizen; he lived in Belarus for 14 years. Because of the threat of persecution, he was forced to flee […]
Rev. ALIAKSANDR BARAN, Roman Catholic Church (Lyntupy)
The rector of the parish in Lyntupy (Viciebsk region). He was detained on 25 March 2022 under art. 24.23 (unauthorized picketing) of the Code of Administrative Offences for the white-red-white Belarusian and the Ukrainian flags on his social media avatar and art. 19.11 (dissemination of extremist materials). Spent 6 days in a temporary detention centre. […]
Верующая МАРИЯ КАСЬЯНЕНКО (Санкт-Петербург, Россия)
Мария Касьяненко 21 сентября, в день объявления мобилизации в России, участвовала в антивоенной акции протеста. Она призвала верующих, которые не могут выйти на акцию, поддерживать протестующих молитвой. За участие в акции она получила 10 суток административного ареста.
Верующая ГАЛИНА БОРИСОВА (Москва, Россия)
Актриса Галина Борисова, прихожанка Московского храма св. Людовика, 3 июля 2022 года пришла на богослужение. Перед мессой она прикрепила к флагу России, который висел в алтарной части римско-католического Храма Святого Людовика, антивоенную записку. На ней латинскими буквами было написано «No bellum» («Нет войне»), а также «Флагу страны-агрессора нет места рядом с флагом Святого Престола». По словам Борисовой, листок провисел минут […]
Настоятель римско-католического прихода Святого Духа, Витебск. Был задержан 15 июля по ч. 1. ст. 24.23 КоАП («Нарушение порядка организации или проведения массовых мероприятий») и до суда содержали в Первомайском РУВД г. Витебска. В материалах дела фигурировали профильная картинка на Facebook с бело-красно-белым флагом, а также другие «протестные» фотографии, в том числе с флагом Украины. Дважды повергнут административному взысканию […]